Dream, the definition is "" a strongly desired goal or purpose""Â
When you fall in love, you feel lighter, more lovely and just down right crazy happy. Love takes over your whole being. You smile and laugh and think about how you can't wait to be kissed and lifted off your toes.
What if we could feel like that all the time? Like we have a love secret. Everything else becomes unimportant.
Love, the definition is affection and tenderness felt by lovers, A warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion.in love: inspired by affection, Bliss, Passion
This is a heart thing, not a brain thing.
Yesterday I got the song, What a world, what a life, I'm in love. One line says I'm sittin on a rainbow.
Keep dreaming and trusting. If what you want is someone to love and share your life with or a new job or bad situation turned good or a healing for someone you love. You have to stretch yourselves to believe. You have to train yourselves to redirect your negative thoughts to the King, who really is the only one. No matter how long it takes, tell the Lord you're in.